Body, Soul & Spirit Summit
Where: online via zoom
What: Cooking Classes, Ancient Healing Stretches, Interviews, Movement/Breathing Exercises, Lecture Classes, Q&A Sessions, Meditation Sessions and more….
• Thrive in Change •
• Eat Healthy • Move Your Body • Self Love • Meditate •
• Live your Dream • You Are Worthy •
Be present with body & mind during this online conference to find out the difference!
Be your best, discover what you are capable of, and navigate life’s challenges more effortlessly!
Guest Classes:
Cooking Classes:
Melanie Waxman
Mariana Bergtold
Presentations, Interviews, Exercise:
Bob Carr: Ancient Healing DO IN Class
Thomas Ritter: The Mystery Palm Leaf Libraries of India
Simon Brown: Feng Shui
Resident Classes and Host:
Bettina Zumdick:
Benefit of eating Sea Vegetables and other Light Foods
2 Open Discussion-Q&A Sessions
Qi Energy Exercises
2 Meditation Sessions
Scroll down for full schedule!
Cultivate a harmonious balance:
Inner strength, insight & following your Heart & Soul
Renewing your commitment to your body, and simultaneously to Earth & Spirit
Clearing out the old to win this life and daring to take the opportunities offered
Are you looking for a new spring/summer recipes from some of the most excellent natural food Chefs?
Would you like to get together with other friends and celebrate our connections?
Do you wish to know the secrets of Sea Vegetables and how they can help you to retain or achieve excellent health?
How about experiencing traditional Ancient Healing Stretches/Moves to balance, harmonize, and strengthen you energy?
Would you like to ask questions and discuss topics regarding life in general, health, spiritual practices/aspects, diet?
Perhaps meditation is a new or and old friend of yours. How about experiencing the benefits of meditation in a group setting?
Date: TBA
Where? Live on zoom
All sessions will be recorded to watch at your leisure.
Cooking Class Recipes*:
April 10, 2024:
11:30 am - 1 pm with Melanie Waxman: •Shirataki noodle surprise
•Wild rice with Creamy Beans and Watercress
•Spicy Seaweed Salad with Melanie Waxman
April 21, 2024:
3:30 pm - 5 pm with Mariana Bergtold:
• Coconut Crème Panna Cotta with Cranberry Compote
•Fried Millet with Basil and Chili Sesame Oil •Pickled Beet, Daikon and Green Apple Salad
*Subject to change
What participants say about my events?
"Great Information! I love these [sessions]" M. Regenbrecht
"Thanks for super presentations!" C. Albanese
"I loved the presentation." S. MacKenzie
"It gave me many ideas - I really enjoyed the class." C. Higel
"Bravo - thanks again for the awesome sessions!" P. Licht
"This was absolutely fabulous!" E. Moreland
“Amazing, loved it!” Maja Pilcher
You will experience a taste of fabulous spring/summer cooking by two of the most excellent and experience Cooking Class Teachers
Ask, discuss and share about your experience & issues on life, health, diet and more
Discover the simplicity and profundity of new ways of doing and being
Nourish and balance your Qi Energy
How to make healthy food choices
Meditate together for greater impact personally and globally
Enjoy each other’s company
What is all included?
2 (vegan, macrobiotic) cooking classes
interview sessions, experiential ancient healing stretches, lectures
2 open discussions/Q&A sessions
2 meditations
all recipes
all recordings
and more
All of this for only $149
Whether you wish to transform just yourself or our planet, either way: we all must begin with ourselves.
Cultivate your own deep spirit connection and experience the harmonious balance of Body, Soul & Spirit through excellent food and food choices, body work, our connection with each other and nature!
On Earth we are undergoing a profound change - both for humans and the Earth itself - this change has been prophesied in most if not almost every religious and spiritual tradition on this planet.
During the current ascension process our human DNA is being upgraded from the carbon-based system of our cells to the crystalline version of liquid light, which greatly enhances our consciousness and knowing that everything is intricately connected.
We hold the key to our own destiny in our hands. Of course, ultimately it is up to each individual to decide whether he/she will choose to take a leap in consciousness or not. A generally healthy body is the basis for harmonious living in the face of many changes. 2024 and 2025 are the peak years for the Solar Flares and with it, the Solar and Cosmic Codes that can upgrade our system.
Earth has already ascended into a higher frequency of light, if we wish to go along with her it means raising our frequency of vibratory energy so that it is compatible with that of Earth's higher dimensions. When we exclusively engage in ‘entertainment’ of the mind, i.e. filling our brain constantly with information of any kind - even so-called important news - and/or eating plenty of junk food and/or stressing over work, relationships, etc. , we will likely miss our opportunity to go along with the ascension of Mother Earth.
Are you experiencing strange sensations and symptoms in your body? As our bodies are trying to let go of the old programming and engaging the new structure some weird symptoms may accompany that change. Some people feel and/or see waves or currents of energy flowing through their bodies. Others experience other physical or psychical changes that are very unusual. Yet other people feel unpleasant symptoms or emotions, such a nausea, headaches and much more. No matter what it is: allow it to be, without forcing, without comparison and competition with others or yourself and without a narrative on what this means exactly. It is just meant to be felt, and by feeling it, to let it go, to let it dissipate.
All matter in the universe is interconnected by waves, which are spread out through time and space ad infinitum, tying each part of the universe to every other part. This is called the Zero Point Field or the Unified Field - which is the same as the Traditional Ancient Chinese belief in the life force, or Chi (Qi), described in ancient texts.
It also means that we and all matter of the universe are literally connected to the furthest reaches in the universe.
In this upcoming ascension we can begin to enjoy the full benefits of our spiritual gifts and potentials if we give ourselves permission, rather than giving outspoken or tacit permission to allow more atrocities on humanity and this Earth to occur.
Whom will your give your ear, your energy and your power? The media? Which thru monotonous repetition is imprinting beliefs and behaviors into individuals and society which in many cases are not in alignment with who we are at heart.
Or will you allow to begin to listen to who you are inside your heart in coherence with Mother Earth? Let us not get lost in the narratives that are out there and copied imprinted in our minds. It is important that we bring our consciousness back to ourselves and our bodies. Only when we are with ourselves can we begin to be coherent within ourselves, allow our consciousness to open up, and allow our Heart and Soul to lead us.