What we offer
Holistic Health & Life Consultations
Comprehensive Consultation Session
Would you like to feel better physically, mentally and emotionally?
Do you wish to have more energy?
Have more quality of life?
Are you ready to overcome a health challenge?
Tarot Readings
Tarot Oracle Readings are based on a system of archetypes to help you to look at possibilities and perspectives in your life. Each card is revealing the various aspects of the current situation and deciphering the best possible ways to navigate new solutions to questions you pose.

Certificate Culinary Medicine Course
Daily food choices have been a key practice for thousands of years – a most powerful medicine.
Would you like to learn about and be able to apply the Chinese Medicine 5-Elements Theory in your life, health and cooking
Would you like to rejuvenate and learn how to achieve longevity?
Are you looking for a way to stay centered in your own true axis?
Would you like to find out how to begin to learn Oriental Diagnosis of Face, Hands, Tongue and more?
Are you looking to take your health into your own hands and create your own apothecary at home with home remedies?
Plant-Based Diet for health and healing
Light Foods for unlocking the light body, un(b)locking the meridian pathways, and staying centered
Understanding of food and cooking for health, healing and medicinal purposes
Basic understanding of the energy flow of the 5 Transformations (5 Elements) and how they relate to
• the physical body and organ systems
• the meridians and chakras
• time (time of day/seasons/etc.)
• cooking and home remedies
• emotions
Part A: webinar – Lectures, Presentations (more than 15 hours of pre-recorded studies) and live zoom Question & Answer sessions (9 + hours)
Intro: Studies on the 5 transformations regarding cooking, seasons, organs, etc.
Liver and Gallbladder disorders like fatty liver, gallstones, hepatitis (diagnosis and home remedies) - prerecorded study followed by live Q & A (via zoom)
Heart and Small Intestine disorders like hardening of the arteries, high or low bloodpressure, etc., Crohn’s disease and home remedies (diagnosis and home remedies), Diagnosis of tongue - prerecorded study followed by live Q & A (via zoom)
Spleen-Pancreas and Stomach disorders like hypoglycemia, diabetis, ulcers, acid reflux disease, etc. (diagnosis and home remedies) - prerecorded study followed by live Q & A (via zoom)
Lung and Large Intestine disorders like constipation, diarrhea, colitis, asthma, lung cancer, etc. (diagnosis and home remedies) - prerecorded study followed by live Q & A (via zoom)
Kidney, Bladder, Reproductive organ disorders like kidney stones, UTI’s, etc. (diagnosis and home remedies) - prerecorded study followed by live Q & A (via zoom)
Part B: cooking classes – cooking workshop (6 cooking classes – live on zoom - cook along, approx. 12 hours)
Cooking for Tree energy/spring
Cooking for Fire energy/summer
Cooking for Soil energy/late summer
Cooking for Metal energy/fall
Cooking for Water energy/winter
Home Remedies
This course far exceeds my expectation. She is giving us so much relevant information. I am so glad to be learning from her. P.N.
For the first time I am beginning to get a better understanding of the five transformations and how to apply this understanding . Bettina has a great gift of patience which encourages one to ask questions. This study is very empowering and enables us to engage in health promoting conversations with our bodies. She is able to share her in depth knowledge of cooking and the way to health. S.N.
The training with Bettina was outstanding. I would recommend the Culinary Medicine Certificate Program to anyone who desires to enhance one’s well being, be it physical, emotional or spiritual. Dr. B. M. Mark
Culinary Medicine Course
It is a full spectrum approach to the art of culinary medicine – it joins the knowledge from the west with the wisdom from the east.
It offers a host of practices designed to understand what and how you eat impacts your health physically, as well as your emotions, thoughts and actions.
It joins theory with practice showing you how to implement what you just learned.
It integrates dietetics, food science and studies of yin and yang, the five transformations, basic understanding of the meridians, basic oriental diagnosis, lifestyle practices and to provide a truly comprehensive and integral approach.
Reserve Your Space:
November, December, January 2023/2024: starting on November 29th at 5:30 pm.
Intro, presentations and Q & A study sessions on Wednesday evenings - live on zoom -
Cooking Classes: live zoom - TBA.
Students who complete the Culinary Medicine Course successfully will receive a Certificate from the Culinary Medicine School, signed by the founder, Bettina Zumdick.
Admission: $1200
Payments may be made via venmo, paypal (+5%), or check or money order.
Looking forward to hearing from you: bettinazumdick@gmail.com - (413) 429-5610
In this crucial moment in our life, world and universe, we can change the course of our personal lives, our civilization and organizations. We are individuals, and yet each of us forms a part of our world’s reality.
We are intimately connected with all historic events of our time. The ripple effects of any of our individual actions are felt in the world’s play and even transmitted continuously throughout the whole universe.
Individually we can consciously and actively pursue an approach to our life that is reflecting humanity’s golden dream: Peace, Health and Joy with Enough for All, reflecting our good intent and our ideals to our universe.
Be the mapmaker and actively assist in the change of consciousness that we all know is coming.
Payments made will be refunded in full (less a $50 processing fee) if you cancel 14 or more days prior to the start of the course. No credit or refund is available if you cancel 13 or less days before the start day, nor if you do not show up, or if you leave a program or the event early.
This course has four core subjects: oriental visual diagnosis, oriental approach to healing and philosophy and ooking based on the macrobiotic, holistic principles.
When joining this course you build the foundation for becoming a practicing idealist: you get to know your physical body and how to maintain health or re-establish a healthy body.